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Downtown San Mateo slated for installation of two DC Fast Chargers

San Mateo City Council approves public/private partnership to install the first publicly available EV charging stations in Downtown San Mateo.

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Mar 18, 2015

March 18, 2015 - Expanding the use of Electric Vehicle (EV) chargers throughout San Mateo is a priority of the San Mateo City Council and a goal identified in the Climate Action Plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. On Monday, March 16th the San Mateo City Council approved an agreement to install the first publicly available charging stations in the Downtown.

Through a unique partnership between the City of San Mateo and NRG eVgo, San Mateo is the first city in Northern California to install a Freedom Station® on public property. A Freedom Station® site provides multiple EV charging stations including two Level 2 charging stations as well as two DC Fast Chargers that can charge a car in 30-minutes or less.

“Installing the Freedom Station® is the first step in a greater initiative to make EV charging stations widely and readily available throughout San Mateo,” said Joe Goethals, San Mateo City Councilmember. “This is only the beginning and I’m looking forward to the installation of these and other stations throughout the community.”

The DC Fast Chargers are coveted among electric vehicle car owners. In the time it takes to have a quick lunch or run an errand an EV is fully charged and back on the road. The installation of these lightening quick chargers will differentiate San Mateo from other communities and will make Downtown San Mateo a sought-after destination for EV drivers. Additionally, the installation of the charging stations will showcase the City’s commitment to sustainable transportation, will promote alternative energies and expose new visitors to the Downtown.

NRG eVgo’s investment in San Mateo is part of the company’s larger plan to develop a network of EV charging stations from San Diego to Seattle. This network of electric vehicle infrastructure is rapidly expanding throughout the State and across the nation. There are currently more than 120 NRG eVgo Fast Chargers in California, which includes 30 Freedom Station® sites in the San Francisco Bay Area at numerous retail locations as well as 16 stand-alone stations at Nissan dealers.

Downtown San Mateo is desirable to NRG eVgo for its proximity to Highway 101, shopping and dining amenities and is a strategic location of the overall network throughout California. San Mateo is excited to be part of this network and to be one of the first communities to offer a Freedom Station® on public property.

“NRG eVgo is excited to partner with San Mateo to add to our growing fleet of fast charging stations in Northern California,” said Terry O’Day, Vice President of Development for EV infrastructure in California. “This station has the capability to charge any EV or plugin hybrid and is located in a perfect area to meet the needs of all EV drivers.”

The installation of EV charging stations will expand the City’s use of electric vehicle charging stations on public property and is a greenhouse gas emission reduction strategy in the City’s Climate Action Plan. The Freedom Station® will be installed this summer and will utilize five spaces at the Downtown Transit Center. NRG eVgo is installing and operating the EV chargers at no cost to the City. The City is also exploring the possibility of installing additional Level 2 charges at the Central Parking Garage, San Mateo Main Library and City Hall. For more information please visit the sustainability pages of the City’s website.

“Electric vehicles are both more fun to drive and cost less to run than conventional vehicles. And with the new eVgo fast-charge stations, the choice to go EV is even easier and more convenient,” says Rafael Reyes, Chair of the City of San Mateo Sustainability Commission and EV driver. “Having them downtown will give EV drivers throughout the region yet another reason to visit San Mateo.”