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EVgo Sustainability Breakdown

California AB 1305 Disclosure Statement

The following disclosures are made in compliance with California AB 1305. References to “we” or “our” refer to EVgo Inc. (“EVgo”) and its subsidiaries.

Climate-Related Claims

We view environmental policies as integral to our business strategy and mission to expedite mass adoption of electric vehicles (“EVs”) for everyone. We strive to protect the environment and help tackle climate change in order to accelerate the transition to clean energy. We believe that excellence in this area provides a benefit to our stakeholders and the communities in which we operate.

In connection with that goal we make certain climate related claims, including that we match the electricity consumed on our network with purchases of renewable energy certificates (“RECs”). We accomplish this by tracking the number of kilowatt-hours (“kWh”) of electricity consumed on our network, and purchasing a corresponding kWh REC from an accredited supplier for each kWh of electricity consumed on our network in a bulk purchase at or around the end of each year. In 2023, we powered more than 395 million electric miles and contributed to the reduction of the U.S. carbon footprint by more than 150,000 metric tons. The table below provides an overview of our methodology for making these calculations. We do not obtain independent third-party verification of our data or claims.

EV Miles Powered= kWh * miles per kWh in a battery electric vehicle (“BEV”) = kWh * 3.05Miles per kWh in a BEV (Internally developed statistic)
Gallons of Gas Saved= EV miles powered / miles per gallon in an internal combustion engine (“ICE”) vehicle = (kWh * 3.05) / 24.4Miles per gallon in an ICE (AFDC: Avg Fuel Economy by Major Vehicle Category (car), updated 2024)¹
CO2 Prevented= EV Miles Powered * CO2 per mile in an ICE vehicle = kWh * 3.05 * 0.0004Miles per gallon in an ICE (EPA: Avg Fuel Economy by Major Vehicle Category (car), updated 2024)²